A players collection is special. However, we aim to make it a little more special. That's where our rarity system, seasons, and bonfire events come in.
Starter packs are the easiest way to start playing the In Light of Shadows TCG. Each Starter pack will contain 40 cards of a particular faction as a complete ready deck for the player to start playing against others. Each Season will introduce new starter packs, and old ones will be removed from the stores.
Booster packs will contain 12 random cards, neutral or faction-specific. Also, booster packs will have cards of different rarities giving a chance for the players to get cards with high rarities.
Periodically we plan to introduce players to new themed seasons, which will bring new sets of cards that players can access through new starter packs and booster packs. Each season will have its theme and will progress the story of In Light of Shadows.
We call it season 0 because this is the very beginning of our journey. Season 0 starts when we launch our Kickstarter campaign. This Season will include 4 starter packs, one for each faction, and Kickstarter-limited Legendary cards. After the Kickstarter campaign, you will still be able to buy Starter packs but the Kickstarter-Limited Legendary cards will be out of reach.
We plan to launch around 400 new cards during Season 1. Season 1 is officially the beginning of the story and of the TCG card game. The player will be able to get the cards by buying Season 1 starter packs and booster packs, which will contain faction cards and also neutral cards.
For the Future Seasons we have huge plans like more new cards with unique elements and abilities which will provide players with new layers of strategizing, more story segments, and also new factions will join the Legends TCG. When the new Season starts we will also give additional information about the next Season.
After each season ends, we are going to organize a bonfire event where we repurchase ecosystem assets from the secondary market to help get rid of the remaining supply of past seasons. This helps maintain the scarcity of your collection as we progress through the seasons.